Friday, March 20, 2009
How much tuna is safe to eat?
Friday, February 6, 2009
Product Review: Avalon Organics "Vitamin C Vitality Facial Serum"
Today's product review is for Avalon Organics "Vitamin C Vitality Facial Serum" from their "Vitamin C" product line. It's a serum I use fresh out of the shower and under my other face moisturizer on a daily basis.

Feels great going on, and I find it's good for making those dark circles under my eyes less prominent - especially in combination with one of Avalon Organics' other face creams in the Vitamin C line. Plus, unlike products in the lavender line, it doesn't tend to make me break out - a definite plus.
So here is the catch: the Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety database gives it a 6/10, or "moderate hazard" rating.
What I'm trying to figure out is why, given that the highest warning number for any of the ingredients listed on their site is a "4".
Curious to find out more? You can go here to see the rating on the site. See if you can figure out why they're slamming this product, because I'm stumped.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Product Review: Avalon Organics Co-Q10 Wrinkle Defense Cream

Sometimes I feel like finding and using a good quality cosmetic product is a losing battle.
A couple of nights ago, while waiting for a prescription to be filled at Shoppers Drug Mart, I came across a face cream by Avalon that I’ve been wanting to try. It regularly runs at more than $20-$25 per unit, even at my favourite lower-priced health food store; Shoppers was selling it off for $16.99. So what the heck. I got it.
Today (filed under the heading “why do I do this to myself??”) I checked on its rating in the Skin Deep Cosmetics Database online. A rating of 4 – “moderate hazard”.
Although a breakdown of the individual ingredients show none at a high hazard level – most of the ingredients are at a low level, in fact – the kinds of hazards cover the complete list: cancer developmental/ reproductive toxicity, “violations, restrictions & warnings”, allergies/immunotoxicity, as well as “Other concerns for ingredients used in this product: Neurotoxicity, Organ system toxicity (non-reproductive), Miscellaneous,Irritation (skin, eyes, or lungs), Contamination concerns, Occupational hazards”.
I suppose it could be worse.
In case you also picked it up, here are the key ingredients to be concerned about:

For more information on this product from the Avalon Organics web site, go here.