Sunday, July 20, 2008

Organic Coffee: Rich Flavour, A Little Strong

Coffee: Fair Trade & Organic Island Reserve Dark
Rating: @@@@
Found: Casa Acoreana & Luis Coffee Stop, Kensington Market

This coffee is darker and stronger than the Rainforest blend from yesterday. Island Reserve Dark is a mid-week coffee, harsher and with a kick that may help get you over the humpday blahs. Eminently drinkable, it's a pale substitute for you espresso drinkers and yet a bit on the concentrated side for medium-roast blend palates.

You can drink it on an empty stomach, but you might want to add milk and sugar; you're also probably going to need something food-like to follow it up with within an hour or two of ingesting the liquid caffeinated goodness.

Definitely worth trying. If I hadn't had the Rainforest blend and loved it, I would probably be reasonably content with this coffee on a daily basis.

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