I stink.
I admit it.
At least, I generally smell if I don't use deodorant. I've had lousy luck with most conventional deodorants and -- up to this point -- ALL of the alternative and less toxic options found in the health food store.
Until now.
Lafe's Natural and Organic Deodorant Spray (with aloe vera) has no scent. It's not an aerosol. What it is is a pump that sprays (5-6 times, as directed on the label) a very cool and non-sticky mist under your arms. I suggest that you hang out in front of a fan for a minute or so to let it dry. But once it's dry ... it works. In the summer. It's even reasonably effective into day 2 without a shower (if you were so inclined) but you might want to do something with a scent in your pits by then (a.k.a. wouldn't recommend it for public consumption. LOL)
Even the ingredients are mind-relieving:
= purified water
= naturally occurring mineral salts
= aloe vera
= potassium alum
The only question I really had was about the potassium alum, so I looked it up on Skin Deep as an ingredient report. SD gave it a "1" on the toxic scale, which is almost as good as it gets (other than 0 of course!).
I bought it at Tutti Frutti in Kensington Market, but you can also order it online if you're not able to find it in the stores by going to Lafe's site directly.
My rating: @@@@@
I know!
The only thing I _have_ found, though, is that I need to use some kind of small amount of scent before I spray it on -- at least when it's really hot out.
I don't know about you, but one thing I noticed when I started to use this deodorant is that I no longer get razor bumps or irritated skin when I shave. I think that's very awesome!
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