Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Safety Check: Avalon Organics CoQ10 Facial Cleansing Milk

Switched to a new face wash a couple of days ago with my fingers crossed. Avalon Organics -- usually a good company. Right?

I happen to like this product. My previous facial cleansing gel (also an Avalon product) was making my face red if I left it on for more than a couple of minutes in the shower. Not this one. Either it's the creamy nature of the cleanser, or maybe it's because the weather is starting to get cooler out again so my face isn't as oily. After all, the CoQ10 product is billed as being for normal-to-dry skin ... which mine tends to be only when the weather cools and the humidity level drops. It also smells reasonably nice if you like lavender and it doesn't leave that greasy layer of yuck that many creamy cleansers do.

The SkinDeep Cosmetics Database rates it at 4/10 or moderate risk.


For the full product report, you can take a look here.

Except that ... well, the list of ingredients detailed at the Avalon site doesn't match the list found on the SkinDeep site. Starting to wonder about the accuracy of the database when it comes to having the most current formulations now, so I'm going to go with the list of ingredients on the Avalon site. Then compare them against the ratings for the individual substances myself in the database and see where things net out.

Here is what you're getting into if you choose to use this product:

Looks to me as though Avalon has changed its formulation to decrease its risky ingredients. My average risk rating, based on the total of all rankings out of ten then divided by the total number of ingredients, has this product with a final risk rating of 1.31/10.

What do you think? Is this product safe enough for you to use?

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